SIMON Quickie Lunch

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If you’ve ever sat at a table with ELV, Slapsie Maxie Jacobson and Al “Mad Man” Mancini, and happen to be there at the precise moment the food shows up, you know it’s a feeding frenzy that makes these guys look like contented cows. (You might say eating with the authors of Eating Las Vegas, Huntington Press, Publication Date November 2010 {we hope}, is as much fun as shooting monkeys in a barrel).

When we only have thirty minutes to eat, though, things really get out of hand.

The good news is thirty minutes and twenty bucks is all you need to enjoy one of Kerry Simon’s platters of sharply seasoned sushi with a seaweed salad and frozen mochi, or or a trio of sliders accompanied by a decent Caesar, or a good grilled cheese, a thick and rich roasted tomato soup, and the best damn chocolate chip cookie we’ve had in town.

Everything is quick, tasty, and another reason to make Palms Place your place to chow down when you’re hungry, pressed for time, and need a little eye candy with your mid-day repast.

We at ELV could wax on and on about our lunch…poetically…metaphorically…in the imagery-laden prose for which we are known, but the meal was a quickie, so we thought we’d make this a quickie as well.


In the Palms Place Hotel and Casino

4381 West Flamingo Road

Las Vegas, NV 89103
