“Music in restaurants ruins both the music and the food….but not this time” – ELV
In The Cosmopolitan Hotel and Casino
3708 Las Vegas Blvd. South
Las Vegas, NV 89109
Wow. It’s actually becoming funny how deeply you are in bed with the Cosmopolitan and its restaurants.
This place is just an assembly of cliches. Stephen Hopcraft did not create the menu, either. He is simply replicating the same menu from the other STK steak factories across the country.
What grade steak do they use? Sure seemed like “choice” to me, though they charge premium “prime” prices. No marbling and no seasoning does not make for an enjoyable hunk of steak. These were surely cryovac-ed sysco specials gussied up with sides and sauces to justify their inflated prices
The food wasn’t terrible, especially if you like truffle oil, which infuses and overwhelms half the dishes on the menu and is poured with a heavy hand. Wow, truffle oil! Fancy!
The music, though, was absolutely awful and ruined our meal.
They set up a fake model/dj in a booth and slap some headphones on her and pretend like she’s playing music. Does anyone really want or need to hear Ace of Base and Cyndi Lauper blasted while they spend too much money on mediocre, re-hashed food? It was absolutely beyond annoying. I thought we were on an episode of “Boiling Point”.
I saw Max J eating holding court and lording over his own free-five-hundred-dollar-meal at a nearby table. Can’t wait to read his gushing review of STK.
It’s not that the food and menu are that bad. It’s that I’ve read far more scathing reviews by Curtas of far better restaurants that didn’t happen to have celebrity chefs and a Cosmopolitan address.