Hot Hostess Watch – Brandy at FLEUR

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Brandy would like everyone to know that Fleur is now open for business in the Mandalay Bay.

And that she makes a great hot toddy.

Or is it that brandy makes a great hot toddy? Or that toddies are best with Brandy?

Or that toddies are best with hotties?

ELV is confused

…about everything but the fact that she-who-is-named-after-a-spirit-made-by-distilling-wine-grapes, is another in a long line of highly professional hostesses in super-chef Hubert Keller’s restaurants, and that HK, one of our favorite chefs in da woild, is coming to town tonight to greet his fans and supervise the re-opening of this beautiful space.


In the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino

3950 Las Vegas Blvd. South

Las Vegas, NV 89119


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