DISH for Three Square

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ELV has been a little busy lately….so posting these snaps of the DISH for Three Square event at the Palms Pool from two weeks ago sort of escaped our attention. That being said, a few things about the event should be noted:

> It was much better attended than last year.

> The Palms Pool was a spectacular venue.

> The weather cooperated beautifully.

> The hotties and cougars were out in force….or as an Air Force friend used to say: “It was a target-rich environment.”

> UNION restaurant’s porterhouse grilling station was a sight to behold for lovers of prime steaks. And kudos to the Light Group and Brian Massie for putting their best foot, and their best beef, forward.

> Calvert Collins looked great…as always.

> ELV looked fat, as always.

> And finally (as always), George Maloof was the consummate host…and if we had asked him, we’re sure he would’ve pulled out his passport to prove who he was.

A final note: The DISH event was one of about a half dozen charity/restaurant events that have taken place over the past 6-7 weeks. ELV fears that these types of events have reached the saturation level, and that the hotels and restaurants are hitting the breaking point when it comes to donating their time, manpower and product to support various charities.

As much as every charity is worthwhile, asking even the most successful hotel to constantly put forth this kind of effort week after week, cheapens the event and the chef/restaurant’s brand, as well as dampening the public’s enthusiasm for attending the affair. There used to be two or three of these a year. Now there’s about ten, and it’s too much. ELV fears a boredom backlash that will hurt everybody.

Regardless, congrats again to Three Square, and thanks again to Massie and the chefs from UNION for all the T-bones!


In the Aria Hotel and Casino

3730 Las Vegas Blvd. South

Las Vegas, NV 89109


2 thoughts on “DISH for Three Square

  1. You are 100% about there being too many of these events and 3 Square puts on most of them and keeps asking for more help over and over again every couple weeks.

  2. John, as co-chair of DISH I’m coopting your message board to thank everyone for participating in DISH and raising over $257,000 to help feed the hungry in Southern Nevada! We were so blessed by all of our particpaing chefs (who hopefully never show signs of food-event-fatigue!), by all of people who came out to support our no-rubber-chicken fund event, and by Mother Nature! I’m going to stay out of the debate on whether there are too many of these events and just be thankful that DISH and Restaurant Week were so warmly received by everyone this year.


    PS. Cougars and Hotties? There is a difference?

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