The Place: Mario Batali’s warehouse for his three Las Vegas restaurants.
The address: 7485 South Dean Martin Drive, Suite 106 (a half mile north of Blue Diamond Road on the west side of the street).
The time: Every Thursday beginning from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM.
The goods: Fruits and vegetables and herbs like you’re not going to see anywhere else in town + compelling delights like smoked goat cheese, agretti, cinammon-spun honey, and micro-greens from HYRO-GREENS in Parumph.
The selection: Limited, but either locally grown or trucked in from SoCal — not flown in from South America.
The rules: Cash only.
The people we should thank: Mario Batali, Kerry Clasby, Zach Allen, Doug Taylor, and all the growers and producers who take the time to grow and bring the good stuff.
This is great ELV, thank you for sharing. Your recent reports on the subject of the growth of local farmer’s markets in Las Vegas and the emergence of local purveryor’s has caught a lot of interest among the foodie cognoscenti from across America–many of them skeptics of the Las Vegas dining scene. Let’s hope the movement continues–not just with the Chefs of Las Vegas, but in home kitchens.
Now ELV, let’s see your best efforts in the kitchen with the aforementioned smoked goat cheese and some of the beautiful vegetables you’ve displayed above.
elv, you getting a peice of marios action? how many times are you gonna plug this market????
has a clue AKA lil Billy Richardson. shut up!
nope, im not ‘him’ but nice try
Hi, I was wondering if the market will be every week this summer? Is there a contact email or number I can get in touch with?
will they be considering doing a market on a friday or saturday for people that work during the week and would come on their day off no one in town has a market on weekends why? SATURDAY would be an ideal day i am
sure there would be a great customer turn out.
There’s a Saturday and Sunday market in the planning stages right now. Sit tight, it will be worth the wait.
Will the market be open this Thursday?
I would like to come but have to be at work at 11 on thurs. Will they let the public in a little early…maybe 10?
It is open to chefs at 10:30 and they shouldn’t mind you.
Mario LanzaMario Lanza Lanza,Mario BCS4DVD 129 00789984012963.
Hmmmmph. Went there today at 1:00 only to find them all but completely packed up and closed for the day. The info on line said they were open till 2 (although I also found somewhere that they were open till 4!).
Furthermore, the location is barely marked, and nothing more than a space in one of those “construction/furniture” oriented stripmalls….. I would NEVER have found it at all if I hadn’t fed the address into my car’s navigation system. I didn’t see much evidence of any farmer’s market items… I will give it one more try, but being open only 2 hours, all the way across town, is less than conducive to a repeat visit. Please someone tell me that the trip is worth it…….. Thanks. PS PLEASE get your online info consistent! Thanks!