Hello Kitty!

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Asking ELV to appreciate anime is like asking Quentin Crisp to decipher professional wrestling. We haven’t the foggiest notion of what all that color, bad animation and strange, wooden, over-saturated drawings are all about, but we do appreciate a good bowl of ramen, freshly crisped karaage chicken, decent gyoza (although not the equal of Monta’s) and cute little waitrons dressed up with odd colored wigs…which must signify something to somebody.

Since everything with anime seems to come with an exclamation point(!), we’ve so labeled our tasty snaps, and encourage you to enter this strange and tasty world and make more sense of it than we can!

PS: Anime Ramen has only been open a month and is already crowded almost every night! Could a ramen revolution be upon us?!?

ELV’s lunch for two came to $30!


4355 Spring Mountain Road #101

Las Vegas, NV 89102



Speaking of saturated colors, here is some anime (sort of) we can really get behind. Take it away Ali Dee and the DeeKompressors!