DEL FRISCO’S Starchy Delights

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Orin Swift’s “The Prisoner” is one of those big, blowzy, buffoonish California red wines ELV loves to hate.

It is, however, a big success, and very big with the Del Frisco’s crowd.

As are (apparently) wine tasting meals composed of starch after starch after starch.

As in: a first course of gummy, heavy, amateurish gnocchi, followed by duck sausage atop polenta, followed by steak ‘n — you guessed it — ‘taters!

Yikes! We haven’t had this much starch in one meal since our sausage, spaetzle and knödel tour of Bavaria.

The middle managers who pack this place must love this fare, but if our wine dinner was any indication, DF is now firmly ensconced in the bottom third of Vegas meat emporiums.

We think the awkward bar alone places it there — a long row of seats paralleled by an uncomfortable standing area that reminded ELV of his meat market days/fern bar nights at Maxwell’s Plum.

And just look at those lip-smacking, (not so) tasty snaps!

As for those wines, if you like charmless, 15% alcoholic monsters, The Prisoner takes none. If your tastes run to something a tad more refined, yet a wine that’s still more Katy Perry than Diana Krall, we suggest Orin Swift’s Mercury Head. Hardly a bargain at $75/retail, but eminently more interesting.

ELV did not pay for his intestinal blockage as he was someone’s guest.

DEL FRISCO’S DOUBLE EAGLE STEAKHOUSE (whatever the hell that means?)

3925 Paradise Road

Las Vegas, NV 89169

(702) 796-0063

5 thoughts on “DEL FRISCO’S Starchy Delights

  1. Couldnt agree with you more ELV. After Sage, probably the most over rated clip joint in town.

  2. The filet is good there, and so is the lobster.
    I’d probably not order pasta at a steakhouse however (unless its carnevino)…

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