Who cares what’s Behind The Green Door, look what’s in front of it: a Korean Chinese restaurant!
ELV actually thinks its kinda quaint that you can eat really good Korean barbecue, go to a gay-lesbian reception center, pick up your dry cleaning, and watch strange, unattractive people having sex, all in the same shopping center!
Is this a great country or what?
953 E. Sahara Ave. #E9
Las Vegas, NV 89104
What are them there fishies they served you in that ashtray? Are they little eels?
On Monday nites you can also catch a set of Student Experimental Theater Improvisation at the Onyx Theater and shop for leather goods at the Rack while you wait in line in the same shopping center.
8:00 – 10:00 pm A lot of fun and a bargain at twice it’s $7.00 admission price.
Those little fishies are dehydrated baby anchovies (the Italians call the bianchietti – “little white fishes”) and they’re tough as shoe leather…