The prolific and peripatetic Eric Gladstone writes a Vegas travel blog for that pretty much answers every annoying question any Vegas tourist might ever ask,* such as: “Where can I see the most celebrities?” or “Is there a good sandwich on the Strip for under 6 bucks?” or “Is it true eyecandy and XS are merging to create NoseCandy — the ultimate after-after-after party lounge in some sky high space permanently “hosted” by the human toothpick?”**
Eric covers it all with an energy and thoroughness that ELV can only envy, and we don’t know anyone else who has the patience, good taste and talent to report on everything from a Chippendale‘s show to Hugo’s Cellar to the coolest rooms in town. (The Flamingo? Who knew?)
Gladstone knows, that’s who. He knows who’s who and what’s what, and we suggest you permanently link to his blog so you will always have an answer to whatever substantive or off-the-wall question your friends, relatives or colleagues are asking about our humble burg.
* ELV gets asked many annoying questions by tourists, usually along the lines of: “What is the best restaurant in town?” right before they head off to the Grand Luxe Cafe.
** Not an actual, overheard question, but one ELV has often pondered.
Thank you for making me giggle! I really do enjoy your website. It has proven a valuable tool as I plan my first visit to Las Vegas. Now can you tell me what is the best restaurant in town where I won’t break the bank eating? And I won’t go to the Grand Luxe Cafe — I can go to Cheesecake Factory any old time anyway.