ELV — the man, the myth, the carbohydrate connoisseur — considers himself a professor of pancakes.
A griddle cake gourmand. A harbinger of hotcake hauteur.
A flapjack fanatic if you will.
But we come before you this morning with hat in hand. Not as johnny cake judge and jury, but as a seeker of higher truth when it comes to griddled greatness.
And the question posed is this: Is there a better blend of buttermilk battered beauty in the Vegas Valley than the everyday cakes at Du-par’s?
To look at them you see nothing special. Other than just the right color and crust.
But one bite reveals a tangy, bread-y fluff that few flapjacks can duplicate. (It’s the buttermilk of course, working its magic, but it’s also the skill of the short order cooks who know how turn them out perfectly every time.)
Are they the best in Las Vegas?
We think so, but, of course, we haven’t tried every, single flapjack flipper in our humble burg.
So, we ask you, our loyal readers: Is there a more wonderful confluence of cake and pan anywhere in town?
If so, please advise.
If not, we’ll see you at Du-par’s.
Rather than at the Douglas’s:
In the Golden Gate Hotel
1 Fremont Street
Las Vegas, NV 89101
There’s also a Du-Par’s at the Suncoast, with equally delightful pancakes.
Northside cafe.
Yes Du Par’s pancakes are very good, but expensive for what they pretend to be. There key ingredient is “butter” lots and losts of “butter”. They also use real maple syrup. At least they did at the Gold Coast. It maybe that the cost factor was bumped up at the Suncoast where I recently partook of a short stack. They were good though. Golden gate prices may as I recall be lower. Blueberry Hill puts out a good product at about 1/4 the price.
EAT is also exceptional with pancakes
Eat’s pancakes are much better than Du Par’s because they’re not soaked in butter.