As ELV ponders getting back to work on this overcast day in Sin City, he also cogitates on what Las Vegas was and has become.
For a walk around the Planet Hollywood last night revealed that the stench of bad tatts, stupid hair, and biker bar behavior is ubiquitous in our humble burg.
Yet ELV trudges onward, railing against the low-rent winds , trying to stem the tide of tackiness, and refusing to bow to the dark forces of to-the-trailer-born trash that infects every facet of everywhere we look.
In other words, in a town where everyone is looking like Al Mancini these days, it can get pretty depressing.
But we soldier on. And hope someone is listening.
For those who are, here are a few time-worn and treasured gems from our KNPR commentating gig of years past, plus a few links, you might like:
Proof positive ELV doesn’t hate Vietnamese food (he just think it all tastes the same).
Re-runs of the original Iron Chef Japan are now available on the Cooking Channel, and they are as deliciously funny as ever, with those overdubbed actors…sounding something like this.
Amanda Hesser of has some good advice for aspiring food writers.
The Las Vegas Weekly names the “riserva steaks” at Carnevino numero uno of its 50 Essential Meals in Vegas, but of course, ELV got there first (with an Animal House reference) almost three years ago.
Addicted to French pastries and yesterday’s TV news? And let’s face it, who isn’t? Then it doesn’t get much better than a palmier (PAHL-mee-ay) tasting with Kim Wagner at the 29:20 minute mark of this video:
Speaking of stupidity (we weren’t but loved the alliteration), everyone knows no one loathes tattoos more than ELV. “Permanent bell-bottoms,” Simon Doonan says.
But enough about ugliness…and alliteration.
Enjoy your increasingly beautiful (from the look out our sliding glass) Saturday:
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Our staff plans on blogging about wine tomorrow….assuming they don’t drink too much of it with Joël Robuchon tonight.
First time I visited in 1963, my parents took me to the dinner show of Folies Bergère at the Tropicana. My mom wore a fancy dress, my father in his best suit and me, as mere lad of 10, even I was made to wear a suit by my dad. He told me that was the proper way to dress when dining out in the evening.
BTW, back then nobody cared that a 10 year old saw naked boobies on stage.
Gee, I wanted to see a photo of ELV’s kitchen.
Permanent Bell-bottoms? HILARIOUS!!!! I do admit I hate the trashy, trailer park show that has overcome many parts of Vegas. I wish we could go back to being required to wearing a suit when being on the casino floor.