ELV’s Thought for the Day


The old-school kitchen — a crucible that made great cooks — is dead. I think of the chefs I know who are running tiny restaurants turning out honestly artful food, working every night in the kitchen. guys who did it the right way, the hard way, the French way. After the rush of success and praise that only comes after years and years of toil, what’s left? – David Chang

What’s left David is, you’re a cook. A craftsman who takes great pride in their work for which they have sweated and strained. It’s either that or becoming someone who wants to be a businessman or, even worse, a TV star. The formerĀ  gains self-esteem and sustenance from a job well done; the latter travels a path where money and fame are the only rewards. Unless your name is Daniel Boulud (and a handful of others — all French) you can’t be both.

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