ELV’s Thought for the Day January 30, 2014 I’m not sure who discovered water, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a fish. – Marshall McLuhan [imagebrowser id=2092] [imagebrowser id=2093] Share this post:ShareFacebookTwitterPrintLinkedInEmail
ELV’s Thought for the Day #2 August 8, 2012 There should be two requirements for wearing a Greek fisherman’s cap: one, you should be Greek, and two, you should be a fisherman. – Roy Blount Jr. Share this post:ShareFacebookTwitterPrintLinkedInEmail
ELV’s Thought for the Day August 8, 2012 Everything in Greece takes just twice as long as it would anywhere else. In this country they just do not use time at all. – Evelyn Waugh Share this post:ShareFacebookTwitterPrintLinkedInEmail