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From the statement facial hair to his official cicerone certification, Public House‘s Russell Gardner announces he is the man to see when you’re brooding over what brew to order. He’s now featuring 24 taps and dozens of labels of sudsy esoterica that he will gladly sip and share with you — explaining (both in person and on the menu) how cans (yes, cans) are the preferred vessel for beers and ales not in the keg.
He’s even bringing in cask-conditioned ales from places like Deschutes Brewery in Portland, that are a wonder of richness and subtlety, and about as far away from mass-produced brews as Snooki is from Scarlett….and her Johanssons.
People will have to be conditioned to enjoy the lower fizz-factor and warmer temperatures of cask-conditioned ales (and truth be told, the averageĀ “I like my beer super-cold” American beer drinker won’t be a fan), but once you get used to the idea of how natural beer tasted before mass-marketing machines denuded them of all personality, these unpasteurized brews will be the first thing you request after you sidle up to the bar.
As you’re sidling, look around for the guy with the handlebar ‘stache. Give him a wave and he’ll give you one tasty beer education.
In the Venetian Hotel and Casino
3355 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Las Vegas, NV 89109
Cool ‘stache but Delirum Tremens is misspelled on his menu.
Sorry Chris, it’s Delirium Tremens, not Delirum. Mr. Gardner did not miss, you did. And, even if he had, typos happen.
My bad. I should have just noted that he spelled “Tremens” “Tremmens” on his menu, which is incorrect. At $8.50 rather than the 12 bucks they charge at Todd English P.U.B., I’ll still order it regardless of how he spells it.
I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.
Here here, max j.
No matter how you spell it, it’s nice to see a new (in Vegas) establishement taking a serious interest in better beer. There’s still a lot of great beers we don’t get here but this is a step in the right direction. Hopefully people will finally realize there are a lot more choices in the beer world than just the usual swill offered by the huge breweries.
Just looked at the menu again. It’s spelled correctly in the Belgian flight section, but doubly wrong (Delerium Tremmens) in the regular list. I hadn’t found it on the regular list when I looked the first time.