We at ELV have been hittin’ the hooch a lot lately, so we’re about two weeks late in posting these snaps of what was a bee-yu-tee-full event at the M Resort a fortnight ago.
So without further ado, here they are, and let’s just say for posterity’s sake that the food, and the wine and the setting were kick ass all around, and even if an old stick-in-the-mud like ELV didn’t exactly groove to the song stylings of Al Green, he can’t wait for next year’s event to roll around.
And if you haven’t yet been to M, you are truly missing something. It is an architectural gem, and would be considered the ne plus ultra, coolest, bitchin’, off-the-hook hotel in town — if it were ten miles closer to The Strip.
“And if you haven’t yet been to M, you are truly missing something. It is an architectural gem, and would be considered the ne plus ultra, coolest, bitchin’, off-the-hook hotel in town — if it were ten miles closer to The Strip.”
Nah. We in Henderson like our M far enough away from hoi polloi on The Strip. ;-)
Btw, did their restaurants represent? Did you have a chance to try Marinelli’s or give Terzetto another chance?
the m? architectural gem? hahahahhahahhahahahahah. no.
tacky. cheap. plastic. trendy to a fault. already out of date.
you must have some good friends there. blecccch. you are such a turd.