Summertime Blues

Yeah, summer is here and we at ELV hate it.

We hate it because we go off our feed, red wine tastes like sh*t in 110 degree weather, we look pretty ridiculous in the barely-there clothes we’re forced to wear, and leaving our office, or our dark, cool man-cave, for any kind of outdoor activity, makes us feel like an Egyptian galley slave.

So in the spirit of the season, we thought we’d post a video that sums up our feelings about the lousiest time of year around here:

ELV Clarifies, Chews on Shoe

As the worst President in the history of America once said: Let me make this perfectly clear: Eating Las Vegas has enormous respect for the job Heidi Knapp Rinella does at the Review Journal. She is a good writer who is stuck with editors who are stuck in 1982.

We thought our little piece of satirical conversation posted yesterday made that clear.

If it didn’t, we are sorry.

We are also sorry not to have recognized the enormous, colossal, prodigious and Herculean effort that our good buddy Norm! undertook in giving constant coverage to the Vegas Uncork’d events last weekend. Our dig at the lack of food and restaurant coverage was in no way intended as a swipe at him or his super-charged social media-making, that brought immense attention to the festivities.

It was, however, a pointed dig at the consistent lack of interest the R-J Editorial Staff takes in anything related to one of the few world class things Vegas has to be proud of (besides an imploded housing market, valet parking and computerized slot machines).

If anyone took it any other way, we regret the misunderstanding.

As someone (we think it was us) once said: As a satirist, ELV is a great restaurant critic.