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She makes drinks!
She draws beers!
She serves sandwiches!
Who is she?
Why, Miss Laura at Park on Fremont, of course.
One of many reasons we can think of to sacrifice seclusion by sipping and savoring the superior sights at this salaciously saucy saturnalian scene-stealer.
Like the design, the decor, and the divine, dramatic, hardly-drab downtown digs in which she dreamily dwells, you might even say she is:
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The food, however (unlike the comely and concupiscent Miss Laura – who is as luscious as her libations), is a work in progress.
560 East Fremont Street
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
Going to be downtown tomorrow night and I’m planning to at least stop by for a drink. Anything at all worth ordering if I get the munchies, as I am wont to do when in a tavern?
I guess I shouldn’t be disappointed that a critic in a town famous for its objectification of women has a regular feature that objectifies women. But I am.
Mr. Curtas, I challenge you to rise above this kind of crass sexualization and focus on food.
ELV responds: We constantly get compliments (mostly from men, admittedly) about our HHW feature. We have also, on occasion, featured Hot Hosts and Hot (male) Bartenders as well.
Anyone thinks ELV uses HHW to “objectify” women, ought to speak to his ex-wives. Now THEY have some stories to tell.
king hotpants needs to remove whatever sized slab of wood is sticking where the sun don’t shine….and get a sense of humor.
Compliments on, or praise about, a thing do not make that thing good or worth doing.
John, I’m not saying that you’re a bad person or you have bad intentions. But by presenting women as “eye candy,” you are portraying them as objects to be appreciated by men rather than fully-formed people in their own right.
That pervasive cultural attitude is what allows teenagers in Steubenville to do terrible things without pausing to consider that “she didn’t say no” isn’t the same thing as “she said yes.” She’s not a person anymore. She’s an object, a body. She is there to be used.
It’s an extreme example, to be sure, but every single example of female (and male!) objectification contributes to the culture’s overall nonchalance towards women being treated as second-rate people at best and sex objects at worst.
You have a good thing going here. You have a successful career as a food writer and a lot of fans. This city that we both live in already has more than enough people contributing to a toxic attitude towards women without you contributing to it as well. I’m asking you to do this because I’m a fan, not because I want to see you fail.
As men, we don’t have to worry about getting groped, or getting our drinks spiked, or walking home alone, or wearing the wrong clothes because someone will decide that we’re “asking for it.” Women face disproportionately more sexual violence than men do, and it happens because our culture has decided that portraying women as sex objects is an okay thing to do.
So this isn’t an issue of me being oversensitive or having a stick up my ass or not getting “the joke.” It’s an issue of we can all be better, and well-intentioned criticism should be met with more than a brush-off.
Come on, John. Be better.