Dear Sir,
I am a dedicated fan and user of your website. In fact, I recently planned my first trip to Las Vegas on information that I found from your postings. This information enabled me to plan and execute a great 25th wedding anniversary for I and my wife. Thanks for what you do.
I would like to further add some amateur observations from our visit to your great city.
1. We stayed at the Bellagio. Outstanding service! Outstanding hotel! Our reason for staying there was simple. All of the great restaurants that are there have been discussed from time to time on your site. Plus it was central to most of what we wanted to see on our first visit. Thanks for your recommendations and I would recommend the hotel and its’ restaurants to anyone.
2. Le Cirque. This is where we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. I, being a not so informed restaurant visitor, came armed with your insight. It was dead on. The place lived up to every expectation that we had. And then some. We were very fortunate to have met someone who apparently eats there quite often. I apologize for not getting his entire name, but his first name was Ted and his wife’s name was Kitty. He was a former Marine and that is how our conversation started as I am in the Army. He had also brought in his own bottle of red wine which he shared with us. (Even though we had a very nice white wine already poured because we were having the fish dishes). Apparently he paid extra to have the bottle brought in.
The evening experience went very well. I now know what right looks like and the staff at Le Cirque had no idea who I was or what I do. They treated us like we were their most important customers for the evening when we clearly were not. As the evening came to a close I was prepared to accept the large bill that I knew was coming. Sir, whoever Ted is, he must be loaded. He paid for our meal. I was speechless. And you know, the staff seemed very happy that our experience ended this way. They were just as pleased as we were. Perhaps in your travels you have met this Ted. I hope you have. I am better for meeting him and had the greatest anniversary ever.
Well here is the “So what”. I was serving a tour of duty in Afghanistan when my wife and I started planning my mid tour leave. Because of your insightful website our decision to go to Las Vegas was sealed. Since then and because of our successful first time experience we have started making plans for our next visit. I have been through Las Vegas on a few lay overs but have not been able to take the wife. We are excited about our next visit and the food and wine we are sure to enjoy. Thanks again for getting us off on the right foot in our march to success. And by the way, we dressed correctly for Le Cirque.
With much respect,
W. Lew Gardner
Who Dares Wins!
WOW. This makes up for a lot ELV. Gratitude all round.
A bit teary-eyed as I write this. What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it, and God bless our troops. May they all make it home to their families safely. I’m thankful for their service and sacrifice.
Sometimes food is more than just food.
See how nice it is to get some attaboys, John? We all miss your frequent musings. Even though no turban-clad yahoos have been trying to blow me to kingdom come for quite a few years now, I too have gotten a lot of wonderful experiences in LV off the strength of your reviews. Thanks for the work you have put into this website, Mr. Curtas.
Great piece JC, nice to see a very deserving couple have such a wonderful evening.
Le Cirque of all the “joints” has always delivered for my wife and I. Great to see they are still holding the bar up there.
I think it is wonderful that “Ted” weather loaded or not picked up the tab. Shows his great respect and admiration for those hard working soldiers who defend freedom.
Miss you post JC, maybe this will encourage you to “get out” a little and do some “bitching” Cheers