John Tesar – Dallas’ Bad Boy Chef

John Tesar at the Mansion on Turtle CreekJohn Tesar in happier days

Photo by Kevin Marple

Profanity? Violence? Bigotry? Pornographers? Drinking on the job? In restaurant kitchens?  This article in Dallas Magazine of a couple of months ago has it all, and paints John Tesar as a self-consumed chef with horns and a pitchfork, and  Anthony Boudain’s muse or bitch — depending on your perspective.

When he was manning the stoves as Rick Moonen’s #1 at RM Seafood between 2004-2006, we just thought of him as a soft-spoken guy who could cook the bejesus out of seafood.

Read the (long) article and decide for yourself — amidst the threats, tears and recriminations — just how bad a boy he is. You might also wonder about cooks and owners who get put off by ethnic slurs and cursing in kitchens (isn’t that par for the course?), and the ADD and self-destructiveness that drives so many people in the restaurant business.


Merci beaucoup to editor, regular Vegas visitor and Friend of ELV Jeff Meeker for sending us the article.

1 thought on “John Tesar – Dallas’ Bad Boy Chef

  1. You’d think a chef this high profile would have a PR person to er . . . “prevent” this kind of candor?

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