Miss Saigon Speaks!

Dear Readers: So intrigued was our loyal friend and reader Hanh Le (aka our very own Miss Saigon) by our recent posts on the mediocrity of Vietnamese eateries, that she sent us this commentary all the way from Connecticut. Consider it a primer on the appreciation of Southeast Asian cooking, and please join with ELV in saying cam on (thank you in Vietnamese) to her for these pearls of wisdom:

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away known as Las Vegas, I use to dine with Mr. Curtas on a regular basis. Alas, my luck has changed, but back in the day, we shared many a bite at the local Vietnamese eateries. I even shared my mother’s authentic Vietnamese pork chops and noodles with him.

But his recent admission that he couldn’t distinguish one Vietnamese eatery from another proved to me what I always thought: unless you’re Asian, you can’t judge good Asian food. I am partially joking.

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