Downtown Las Vegas is the Sandwich Capital of the World by Cierra Pedro)

Do you like a good sandwich?

I know I do.

If you’re like us and our staff, you think that John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich did the world a solid in the 18th Century by placing his lunch meat between two pieces of bread:

(Photo by Jon Estrada)

….the better to expedite his eating and not interfere with his gambling habit.

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Letter of the Week: What is ELV Eschewing with VEGENATION?

Dear ELV,

I saw this clip of you on Wake Up With the Wagners last Friday and immediately turned to my husband and said, “It’s only a matter of time until Curtas eschews the dark side and goes full plantal.” He said I was crazy — after I told him what “eschew” meant. What say you ELV? Is a conversion to the joys of brown rice, soy milk and tofurkey in your future?

Vegetally yours,

Wheat Germ Wendy

Continue reading “Letter of the Week: What is ELV Eschewing with VEGENATION?”