Summer Dish Review – Uni in Dashi Gelee at YONAKA

Summer Dish Review – Carabinieros Shrimp at MILOS

ELV note: As promised, we are going to take the next few weeks highlighting our favorite dishes of the summer. These posts will be quick hits and tasty snaps gleaned from the scores of restaurants we’ve visited over the past three months. For a more detailed take on that restaurant, you can google the name in the google box on the right side of our main page to see and read everything we’ve ever written about the place.

Take a gander at these bad boys:

They are the size of langoustines with the taste of a meaty shrimp crossed with a rich lobster touched by a hint of gaminess.

Continue reading “Summer Dish Review – Carabinieros Shrimp at MILOS”

Waiter, There’s a HERRINGBONE Stuck in My Throat

Sometimes, you just know too much.

There comes a time when there have been too many meals in too many restaurants over too many decades. So many, in fact, that you can take the measure of a place within minutes of sitting down.

You get to where you can see the wheels turning and hear the exact conversations that went into the concept, the menu, and the cooking.

You get to the point where you spot the corporate calculation in every corner, and all you can do is sigh.

Continue reading “Waiter, There’s a HERRINGBONE Stuck in My Throat”