Hot Hostess Brianna Beautifies Bradley’s Best Burger

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Brianna knows a good burger when she sees one.

Just like ELV knows a hot hostess when he meets one.

Brianna is a worthy successor to another Brianna — the Hot Hostess of the Year in 2009 — and professionally provides a pulchritudinous panacea to parties partaking palpable palate perfection.

ELV prefers proffering this pedagogic panegyric to this peak of pastoral, perpetual  impeccability:

It is the best goddamned hamburger in town.

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So beefy, so juicy, so well-proportioned, so impossibly well-seasoned, it exists at the pinnacle of burger pleasure.

Just ask Brianna…and she’ll promptly place you so your pontifacting  plaudits can pour forth.

Yeah, it’s that good.

There, I said it.

The mini-burgers pictured above are only available on the Happy Hour menu and cost $6 for three of them.


450 South Rampart Blvd. #180

Las Vegas, NV 89145


Hot Hostess Watch – Yvette and Ashley at HONEY SALT

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Before ELV had even a moment to think up some clever/catchy/juvenile/suggestive moniker for this pulchritudinous pair people pleasers at Honey Salt, Yvette (or maybe it was Ashley), described their dynamic duality thusly: “I’m sweet and she’s savory,” said Yvette (or maybe it was Ashley), and from that point on, we had no qualms about commenting upon their deliciousness.

Continue reading “Hot Hostess Watch – Yvette and Ashley at HONEY SALT”

Letter(s) of the Week – Objecting to ELV’s Objectifying

The key to a successful restaurant is dressing girls in degrading clothes. – Michael O’Donoghue


King Hotpants recently wrote us with this somewhat miffed missive:

Dear ELV,

I guess I shouldn’t be disappointed that a critic in a town famous for its objectification of women has a regular feature that objectifies women. But I am.

Mr. Curtas, I challenge you to rise above this kind of crass sexualization and focus on food.

To which ELV responded somewhat harshly:

Dear King Hotpants,

We constantly get compliments (mostly from men, admittedly) about our Hot Hostess Watch feature. We have also, on occasion, featured Hot Hosts and Hot (male) Bartenders.

Anyone thinks ELV uses HHW to “objectify” women, ought to speak to his ex-wives. Now THEY have some stories to tell.

Continue reading “Letter(s) of the Week – Objecting to ELV’s Objectifying”