Speaking of Cheese – ALEX’s Cart is So Good We Camembert It

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In kase you haven’t noticed, the American cheese revolution is in full swing, an established fact, and now as much a part of our culinary landscape as heirloom tomatoes and California cabernets. In less than three decades — roughly the time since ELV grad-jee-ATED from learnin’ legal stuff gooder in law school, the selections of cheeses in the hinterlands of America has gone from Kraft Parmesan dust in a cardboard can and rubbery mozzarella to all sorts of mass-produced-but-still-very-good varieties to scores of artisanal products from maniac cheese makers that turn out products approaching the best Europe has to offer. (And when ELV says “maniac” he means it. God bless cheese makers, especially the perfectionists that make the ethereal stuff, but most of them are weirder than a curling match.)

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Casu Marzu German Cheese Video!

ELV knows a little German. He’s sitting right over there.

He also knows a bit about casu marzu cheese — that Sardinian soft specialty that’s an acquired taste if ever there was one.

In fact, if you’ve ever had a hankerin’ for ingesting some live maggots with your fermented curd — and let’s face it who hasn’t? — then this is just the cheese for you (translation services upon request):

One of the reasons you can’t get this delicacy in these here United States of America is because the eating of it often causes vomiting and diarrhea, and the little mouth hooks on those cute little worms have been known to play havoc with human stomach and intestine linings…

Just thought you’d like to know.