Letter of the Week: What is ELV Eschewing with VEGENATION?

Dear ELV,

I saw this clip of you on Wake Up With the Wagners last Friday and immediately turned to my husband and said, “It’s only a matter of time until Curtas eschews the dark side and goes full plantal.” He said I was crazy — after I told him what “eschew” meant. What say you ELV? Is a conversion to the joys of brown rice, soy milk and tofurkey in your future?

Vegetally yours,

Wheat Germ Wendy

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Downtown Gets Some THERAPY

You’ve really got to see Therapy to believe it. It is, without a doubt, the most impressive restaurant build-out in Downtown Las Vegas history (outside of the casinos). ELV’s little birds tells him over a million bucks went into the joint, and it shows:

The two story space takes full advantage of the old vaulted ceiling, and creates a feeling of intimacy despite its 135 seats and a bar that’s longer than Tolstoy:

http://vitalvegas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/therapy_las_vegas3.jpg(Photo from VitalVegas.com)

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ITSY BITSY Rounds Out Downtown Dining, Pardner


(ELV note: Ever since he returned from Dallas, ELV has had an uncontrollable urge to talk like a Texan. As you will soon find out.)

Itsy Bitsy Ramen and Whiskey has done what something we thought impossible: bring a steady stream of downtown diners to the north side of The Ogden building. Between the somewhat obscure location, and the bad juju of the former occupant, this space was permanently jinxed in our minds, and destined to become a vacant storefront for years to come.

But you’ve got to hand it to the folks behind the redesign (see above) and to chef Ricardo Romo, because between them, they’ve reinvigorated a challenging spot, and rounded out your dining options whenever a downtown pub crawl captures your fancy.

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