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I’m not going to go out on a limb and say that Jaleo has the hottest hostesses in town (because, as you know, the competition is pretty stiff), but it’s a goddamned miracle that manager Justin Green gets any work done at all.
Just like it’s a small miracle (and a testament to the tastiness of the food), that any red-blooded male should occasionally focus his gaze downward and pay attention to his plate long enough to eat it….since every two minutes it seems Alexis or Kaytee (not to mention a bevy of other hot hostesses) are scurrying to and fro taking care of customers in a most polished and poised parade of pulchritude.
I try not to notice, but it’s a busy restaurant, usually half-filled with 20-something lasses celebrating a bachelorette party, which means every friggin two minutes some smoking hot chick is cruising right past the table DISTRACTING ME FROM MY FOOD!
Astonishingly, I don’t mind — especially when it’s Kaytee and Alexis doing the distracting.
How youngblood Green deals with this cornucopia of concupiscence is anyone’s guess, but as a highly skilled front of the house man, it’s a fair bet there’s a lot of mumbling to himself about not poking the old chorizo into the cojonuda.
It almost makes you feel sorry for the poor bloke doesn’t it?
Justin also helps oversee a wine list holding such gems as 2009 Emilio Rojo.
“Man, I’d Buy That for a Dollar!”…Movie RoboCop quote
I’d love to bend the little blonde over the paella pit and show her what I can do with my cava spraying croquette!