To all our devoted readers, foodies, fans, acolytes, adversaries and occasional commenters:
For the next week to ten days, ELV will have precious little time to eat and post about his experiences amongst the restaurants of Las Vegas because:
1) He has to earn a living, has worked all weekend on a particularly nasty bit of bad faith litigation against State Farm Insurance Company, and will be tied up in deposition for the next two days;
2) On Wednesday, the Food Network is flying him to Los Angeles for a taping;
3) On Thursday, his chosen profession as a lawyer-at-law calls him once again into a courtroom for a nasty little landlord/tenant kerfuffle (involving, of all things, a restaurant);
4) Friday, he leaves for a few days in the Big Apple where he’ll be attending the James Beard Awards next Monday night (expect a lot of Facebook-ing and Twitter-ing on this, though);
5) He returns to Vegas, hungover and happily exhausted next Tuesday night, just in time for the start of Vegas Uncork’d (ditto).
6) He’ll probably rest his liver for a day or so before eating and drinking himself silly again for the four days of Uncork’d events.
So the posts will be few and far between for the forseeable future.
But if you can’t live without your daily dose of ELV, follow us on Facebook and/or Twitter.
Where, we assure you, ELV will continue impart the erudition, information, infuriating opinions and sophomoric humor for which he is known, to obsessive and interested foodies everywhere. (Expect the tasty snaps to be of much lower quality, however.)
Bon appetit to all, and see you at Uncork’d!
Hold on. Let’s step back a bit. About the Food Network taping…. At some point, you will be telling us what this is and when it will be airing, right?
Have a great trip to New York John. I’ll be rooting for the Las Vegas nominees to bring the James Beard Awards back to town–well deserved in their nominated categories.
Have fun criss-crossing the country, Mr. ELV! And we all can’t wait to join you at Uncork’d next week! I have my tickets ready, and I’ll even be turning it into a whole “staycation”.
So which events are we most excited about?
Look forward to your return….Break a turkey leg
Please hurry back!!
I may actually see you at Vegas Uncork’d! Hope you’re having a grand time and that you’ll tell us all the scoop when you’ve come back to earth to rejoin us, the unwashed masses.