Hot Bartender Watch – Restaurant Charlie

Jeremy ain’t exactly ELV’s cup of tea, but plenty o’ ladies think he melts the ice in their drink. More flaming by far are the mighty cool cocktails he conjures nightly at the uber-fashionable cocktail bar at Restaurant Charlie.

To celebrate October 15th, The Official Birthday of The Official Number Two Son of ELV, he gave us a preview of his appropriately Autumnal libations. One of them, “Pumpkin,” tasted just like liquified pie, and his “Autumn” cocktail with housemade chai soy milk, Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum and fresh grated Chinese cardamom is so good it could make even this gal rethink her politics.

3 thoughts on “Hot Bartender Watch – Restaurant Charlie

  1. This is a good start. All you have to do is to have as many hot bartenders as you have had hot (yawn) hostesses, and your female readership may forgive you. Maybe.


  2. Expect the ratio to be about 4-to-1….But ELV shall reconsider his position if and when there’s a groundswell of demand for babes of both sexes.

  3. ….and BTW: (just to remind all)….the real reason I highlight the hostesses and barkeeps is because there’s something very tasteful going on at their establishment!

    And because ELV still likes looking at hot women!

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