Power lunching Vegas-style

Faster than a speeding paella! More powerful than a locavore! Able to leap small frog legs in a single bound! (Look, up in the Las Vegas Business Press —  in an article in the current issue by Valerie Miller —  It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s ELV!)


…Yes it’s ELV … strange visitor from another planet who came to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal carnivores!  ELV … who can change the course of mighty rivers (of good wine by drinking it), bend steak in his bare hands, and who, disguised as John Curtas, mild-mannered attorney for a great international law firm (Armstrong Teasdale), fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and a great Caesar’s Salad!

Actually, we were interviewed for the article about the top power-lunching/deal making restaurants in town. And lest you think ELV endorses Starbuck’s, please be advised (ELV loves sounding like a lawyer) that my occasional morning meeting there should not, under any circumstances, be interpreted as me actually liking the pathetic pastries and bitter brews of those franchises….

And BTW: that handsome devil in the picture with me is my partner, uber-attorney Bruce Leslie. Truth be told, he really was doing a deal during the photo shoot, whilst yours truly was working on a KNPR script.