
Now I know how DeNiro feels. Or Barack. Or these ten folks (pay particular attention to 80’s screen idol(?) Corey Haim’s defining moment). Yes, it’s fun and oh-so-self-indulgent to wax narcissistically about one’s past, present and future. But Vegas Wineaux’s Irene King (one of our newest and fun-est Friends In Food) asked, so The Food Gal and I met her for an hour of chit chat and friendly interrogation.

And as long as ELV is being self-indulgent….Hey! It’s my blog and I can be as f*cking self-indulgent as I want….I thought a couple of corrections were in order.

She describes me as 5’9″ (I wish), very fit (hardly), and The Food Gal as lovely and long suffering (correctomundo on both counts).

1 thought on “Interview

  1. Hey John!

    It’s all about perception! You seem tall and fit, which, therefore, you are! What a fun time I had with you and your sweetie.

    Don’t let him fool you, folks. They are both two of the warmest, loveliest, and most articulate people I’ve met in a long time. But we *do* have to get Alexandra up to snuff on wine … ;-)

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