Fast Food banned!

In a move that we at ELV don’t know whether to agree or disagree with, the City Council of Los Angeles has voted to impose a ban on fast food franchises in the poorer parts of South Central LA. Read the SLATE article on this topic here.

On the one hand, we’ve seen the urban blight caused by cheap proteins and carbohydrates that the burger, pizza and taco franchises push like drug dealers to the poor and uneducated..not to mention to customers like this. On the other hand, it chaps our semi-libertarian ass to think government can legislate our food choices.

Therefore, in the spirit of non-partisanship (and political cowardice) for which ELV is famous, we hereby decline to take a stand on these taco/pizza/burger stands, and will observe the political fallout (carnage/leftovers/burnt ends?) from this development from a safe distance.

1 thought on “Fast Food banned!

  1. Another case of big government protecting people from themselves? Or a case of big government protecting people from predators? This is a hard call, and I concur 100% with your strong stand (against/for) it. Or maybe not.

    And on another note, you may want to consider putting a warning on your links … something like “do not click if you have a mouthful of food” would be nice. Now I have a screen to clean…

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