There are two ways to shave tuber magnatum.
The regular way:
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….or the French way:
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…neither of which impresses this guy:
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“The most learned men have sought to ascertain the secret, and fancied they discovered the seed. Their promises, however, were vain, and no planting was ever followed by a harvest. This perhaps is all right, for as one of the great values of truffles is their dearness, perhaps they would be less highly esteemed if they were cheaper.” – Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
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Eating Las Vegas knows not what derring-do Urbani Truffles (and local truffle queen Leigh Greenfield) goes through to sneak the very first white truffles of the season all the way from Italy to Restaurant Guy Savoy, but get them there they did last week, making it the first restaurant in America to get a taste of this season’s crop.