Nothing else has worked. Press releases, social media, TV spots, international celebrity, controversy as Las Vegas’s very own lovable curmudgeon….they’ve all failed to launch yours truly into the Pulitzer pantheon to which he belongs.
So, we’re going to try something new: murder.
Don’t worry, Muffin, or Fluffy or Muffly or whatever his goddamned name is won’t feel a thing. One .38 Special to the noggin and he’ll be in chew-toy heaven.
And he belongs to my neighbors and they have lots of dogs so they’ll barely miss him.
You can prevent this doggycide of course, by purchasing the just-released 2020 (and 8th) edition of my book!
You can do so by clicking here or here. (Helpful tip: if you buy directly from the publisher – the second click – you’ll save 3 WHOLE DOLLARS!)
For the mere price of a cocktail, your conscience will be clear, and your alimentary education enhanced.
A small price to pay, I’d say.
And I’d say Mufflin would agree with me.