There are two superb seafood restaurants in Las Vegas. RM Seafood is one of them; Bartolotta Ristorante di Mare in the Wynn is the other.
Eating Las Vegas can’t do justice (in words or in pictures) to the feast put before us last week by uber-chef Paul Bartolotta in his eponymous restaurant in the Wynn. Therefore, in the spirit of humility, deference and buck-passing for which he is known, he hereby refers you to uber-food writer Dr. John Sconzo, for his complete recitation (in words and much better pictures) of the meal.
As you will see from a picture comparison, Sconzo’s snaps put ELV’s to shame, giving ELV and his staff, some serious pixel envy.
For Doc Sconz’s seriously tasty snaps of his meal at RM Seafood click here.