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Art-y beets (yes, beets) with apple and crème fraîche last night at Yonaka.
4983 West Flamingo Rd. Suite A
Las Vegas, NV 89103
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Everyone who knows ELV knows he hates beets.
Because they taste like dirt.
Unless they’re pickled.
In which case they taste like pickled dirt.
Another reason we hate beets is because they’re actually quite pretty and look like they might actually taste a lot better than they do.
So beets both lie to you and taste nasty…in other words, they’re a double whammy of awfulness. Sort of the American Idol and Jersey Shore of edible eats.
But chefs love beets.
And they really love beets this time of year.
They love them because they are cheap and plentiful.
And they’re cheap and plentiful because they taste like dirt.
But you know what? Being a critic and all, we feel a certain moral obligation to constantly try whatever hideous beet concoction chefs are throwing at us. As a result, we order beets all the time. Even though we hate them.
And it was by following this moral obligation that we encountered Shawn McClain’s very beet-y but beauteous salad at SAGE some time ago.
And we actually like it.
Sort of.
Just thought you’d like to know.