As an intermezzo between commentaries on the JBF events, ELV thought we’d offer up some tasty snaps of Luciano Pellegrini’s menu from last Friday night’s special dinner. Since we didn’t make it to Valentino in the Venetian that night (as we were enjoying the immensely flavorful and creative stylings of Carlos Buscaglia and Fabio Trabocchi at Fiamma)…one must ask: How could ELV be in two places at once?

Continue reading “VALENTINO”

Best Food Week Ever – Contest

In lieu of a more complete posting, accompanied by a number of snaps from Friday’s and Saturday’s James Beard Foundation’s Taste America Las Vegas festivities (that will be coming in the next day or two, along with the pithy, witty, erudite and tongue-in-cheek commentary for which he is known), Eating Las Vegas hereby offers the following reader contest regarding this pic: Can you tell us what these two guys have in common with this guy?

The prize: Lunch with ELV and an uber-babe to be named later.*


 An obscure clue to be sure….but nonetheless, a clue.