Lunch At LAWRY’S

Lunching at Lawry’s is kind of a weird set-up that has you shuttled into a side room by a nice hostess; then lined up cafeteria-style while she explains how you order; she then takes your order (for some items, i.e. drinks, desserts, or anything-not-being-carved-by-the-chefs-up-ahead); you wait until the line’s progress moves you directly in front of a carver; finally, you tell him which cut o’ prime rib you have a hankerin’ for.

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…And Again.

Doc Sconz’s next-to-last post on his Vegas (eating) vacation, ends with him enjoying himself (sort of) at ALEX at the Wynn. His assessment of the meal isn’t as glowing as you might expect, but, as usual, is accompanied by a number of tasty snaps that had ELV salivating. Unfortunately, we’ll probably never attain his degree of food foto fabulousness, if for no other reason than we’d probably end up looking like this guy….making shooting our food more of a sport than it already is.

His last post, summarizes, we think, the best way to view our strange, sui generis city — if one hopes to take the best from it and filter out the rest.