Face it: Valentine’s Day is about blow jobs. Men are hoping to get one, and women will consider giving one, if there’s a meal (and jewelry) involved. This is why lots of people go out to eat on Valentine’s Day. NO ONE DENIES THIS!
Because of this, lots of people are in restaurants on Valentine’s Day with their minds on things other than the food.
Because of all of the above, VD is the WORST DAY OF THE YEAR to eat out. (Correction: the second worst day — Mother’s Day has it beat by a mile, even though no one’s thinking about BJs on that day.)
Restaurants hate Valentine’s Day (no big parties, no high rollers, just two-tops preoccupied with other oral enjoyments); servers hate it (two-tops and romance don’t compute to big tips); chefs hate it (no one cares about what they’re eating); and diners hate it (your service, and food will be lackluster – see all of the above).
Valentine’s Day really really sux when it comes to eating out. But let’s not kid ourselves, many couples will be eating out in a few days precisely for the reasons cited above.
And many of them aren’t really restaurant goers — so it’s amateur hour all around, from the soup to the nuts fondling.
But we at Being John Curtas are here to help…and least with the first part of the evening.
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, here are Las Vegas’s most romantic restaurants. Gentlemen, if you can’t score after a meal at any one of these, it’s time to retire the hardware:
(Romance awaits on top of this phallus)
4 Lewinskys
(Satisfaction guaranteed):
Vetri (top of the page)
Top shelf Italian on top of the Strip.
The Top of the World (pictured above.)
Go at sunset, and I guarantee something will pop up while it’s going down.
Twist by Pierre Gagnaire
The view up the the Strip is as stunning as the food.
Le Cirque
The very definition of “jewel box.” Old school elegance with the best service in the business.
Eiffel Tower Restaurant
Too touristy for true gourmets, but there’s no beating the view of the Bellagio fountains.
Iconic art and great food go together like Burgundy and a Boris Johnson.
Prime (above)
Almost too beautiful for a steakhouse; I’ve never met a woman yet who didn’t swoon over the room.
Marche Bacchus
We love MB….it’s likely already booked for VD but that doesn’t make it any less romantic. Try this: take your beloved there on the 13th or 15th of February and a bob nobbing is practically in the bag.
(Slurp a few more, my dear, they’re so much better than beer)
3 Welsh Breakfasts
(Not as much of a sure thing as the ones above, but solidly in the running to provoke a monocle lewinsky):
Edo Tapas & Wine
Probably our coziest little spot for food to inspire some foolin’ around. Plus great oysters (above) which everyone knows are an aphrodisiac.
So dark, a Swedish trumpet could be all yours and no one would notice.
NoMad Restaurant (above)
When you’re looking for a peppermint patty from your book-loving date.
French food and decor designed to foment some French kissing.
Oscar’s Steakhouse
Great room, great view, great access to a cheap hotel room when it’s time to close the deal.
Restaurant Guy Savoy
The only reason GS and Robuchon aren’t rated more highly is because they are both more about food and wine than a Mexican mouthwash.
Joël Robuchon
If you want to blow your wad in more ways than one, this is the place.
Sexy bar, sexy room, sexy food will most certainly inspire some cabeza….and we ain’t talking tacos here.
(Wing will help you get Lei’d)
2 Polish Lawnmowers
(At these, you may have to work harder for your Princeton cheesecake):
A shadow of its former self, but the room is still eye-popping….and women love eye-popping rooms.
It’s dark, the drinks are strong, and it serves steaks. For some, that’s enough to take you to Popsicle land.
Wing Lei
Probably the prettiest Asian dining room in Vegas (see above), with the best Chinese food in town…at a price.
(The lake may be fake but your happy ending won’t be)
1 English Toothbrush
(These are plenty cozy enough to inspire a Belgian Curtsy, but without the expense or the caché of those above):
The Steakhouse at Circus Circus
If you both like licking it old school.
Golden Steer
People love eating next to water. Women really love eating next to water….even if it’s a fake lake. (see above)
Strip House
There are nude pictures on the walls here – lots of them. Perhaps she’ll get the hint.
You’ll notice there aren’t many romantic restaurants listed in the ‘burbs. This is for good reason….because there aren’t many romantic restaurants in the ‘burbs.
To be considered “romantic” a restaurant needs to be cozy and cosseting or opulent and spectacular (preferably both). Las Vegas’s suburban sprawl does not lend itself to either. Finding a cozy and cosseting restaurant in a Vegas neighborhood is harder than finding a corner without a Walgreen’s on it.
So today’s lesson is: go big or go home….especially if Mr. Happy is looking for a German Geronimo.
Happy Valentine’s Day!