SLOPPI JO’S – A Food Truck Built For ELV

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ELV loves strippers. He’s always found it amusing to pay for the pleasure of watching  attractive young women pretend to be interested in him. ELV loves New Mexican red chilies even more. Put the two together and you have a food truck we can get behind…or in front of…as the pictures will attest.

The best thing about Sloppi Jo’s is you can enjoy its incendiary red pork Sloppi Jo, breakfast burrito, green chili cheeseburger or fiery green chile chicken drunk or sober…unlike strippers…who we have always felt were best felt when in some highly advanced state of altered consciousness. The second best thing about Sloppi Jo’s is  the authenticity of the ingredients, and the third great thing about it is how much cheaper it is to satisfy your oral cravings this way.

Another plus comes from its weekend location — right in front of Sapphire’s Gentleman’s Club* — giving you an excuse to get both your oral cravings satisfied in one fell swoop. It’s like…the ultimate one stop shopping for female mammary-lovin’-New Mexican-craving-chile-heads!

Is this a great country or what?


702.608.4410 (call for times and locations — it’s not always at Sapphire’s)

* ELV has been in many a gentleman’s club and seen nary a gentleman in sight.