Incredible Cantonese (if you can get it) at HK STAR

I’ve been to HK Star Cantonese Restaurant four times since it opened in the mid-part of the last decade. The first time, back when my law office was around the corner, I strolled in solo, noticed I was the only gweilo in the joint, and had to argue with my well-meaning  waitron about what I wanted to eat. (I think he said “you no like” at least ten times before he accepted my order. What arrived — egg drop soup, sweet and sour pork, tepid shrimp — was definitely not what I wanted to eat…or what I thought I ordered.)

Continue reading “Incredible Cantonese (if you can get it) at HK STAR”

The Hottest Dish in Las Vegas?

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Is this innocent-looking, spicy squid salad from Lotus of Siam the most lethal dish in town?

You’d have a hard time convincing our fiery foodie friend (and major chile-head) Danny Axelrod it’s not (even though he claimed to be unfazed by the heat), since his face looked like this after a few bites:

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To find out what ELV looks like after a few bites of it (and several other contenders for the hottest dish in Vegas), you’ll have to tune into Wake Up with the Wagners about eight hours from now on KSNV TV- Channel 3 in Las Vegas.

LOTUS OF SIAM (New York Version) Reviewed in New York Magazine

ELV note: This recent review of the New York Lotus of Siam just came across our desk (we’ve been a subscriber to New York magazine since the Clay Felker days of the late 7os), and we thought Las Vegans would like to see how one of the preëminent food writers of New Yawk  treats our treasured possession. We at ELV are glad those New Yawkers are finally catching up with us. Congrats to the Chutimas, and we’ll see you on Saturday night…in Las Vegas!


Lotus of Siam

So how does a cuisine beloved by chefs and assorted ragged outer-borough chowhounds turn into a full-fledged Manhattan restaurant boomlet more or less overnight? That was the question that the grateful, slightly befuddled Thai-food scholars at my table pondered as we sat down to dinner at Lotus of Siam, the second prominent Thai-style restaurant to open in Manhattan in the last two months. Continue reading “LOTUS OF SIAM (New York Version) Reviewed in New York Magazine”