Linda Rodriguez and THE SMASHED PIG

It’s very strange when someone dies over the Christmas holidays.

For one reason or another, we’re all so busy running around and doing things with friends and family that news takes a back seat to all the shopping and frivolity.

And even in these days of in-your-face social media bombardment, the death of an acquaintance can slip through the cracks and catch you by surprise ten days after the fact.

So it was with Linda Rodriguez’s passing on December 27th. By the time we heard about it last weekend, the funeral and memorial service had already been held.

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HACHI Is Absolutely Amazing!

Hachi, the uber-cool Japanese-fusion restaurant inside the Red Rock Hotel, is absolutely amazing. And by that I mean, when people ask me if it’s amazing….I say: “absolutely.”

But before I get into why it is so, permit me a digression.

To hear ELV speak these words in the monotonic, sometimes somnambulate baritone for which he is known, click here, or continue reading after the jump.

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The Friedmutter Group designed Hachi in Red Rock Resort to look just like one of the fancy-dancy fusion food Strip restaurants that overcharge tourists to a fare thee well. So if you feel comfortable in that milieu (Tao, Sushi Samba et al), you’ll feel right right at home. But if you want better food at lower prices (12 miles due west of The Strip), Chef Linda Rodriguez has got a deal for you.

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