Discovering Dining Delights in the Big D

Confession may be good for the soul, but it’s probably not the best way to begin a restaurant review. But in the spirit of full disclosure, certain things must be acknowledged: I haven’t been a fan of Dallas, Texas since November 22, 1963. When you combine the horrific events of that day with an general dislike of Cowboys (I’m a Giants fan), big hair and bigger belt buckles, you could say this city on the Trinity River ain’t exactly my cup of chili. The fact that I haven’t been here in twenty-five years has kept these prejudices firmly entrenched, even though this city has now outgrown them by such a degree that thinking of Dallas as a cow town is like referring to Manhattan as a Dutch trading post.

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Uber-food writer, and recent double James Beard Award winner Alan Richman, came to Vegas a few years ago, and wasn’t all that keen on his meal at miX. Yours truly considers Uncle Alan a friend, a mentor (we’ve been corresponding about food and Las Vegas since 1992), and a total mensch. (Despite his cranky reputation, he’s one of the sweetest guys on the planet — but don’t tell him ELV said so.)

As much as we bow to the sensei whenever possible, we think he got it wrong when it comes to this sky high Mandalay Bay restaurant, hovering (but not revolving –whew!) 64 floors above the Las Vegas Strip.

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