BBQ Blues

ELV’s been goin’ a little ‘cue crazy lately. Which is frustrating because, next to Bangor, Maine, Las Vegas might be the worst barbecue town in America. What we get here are either franchises, or mom and pop joints doing things on the cheap. There’s no cult of ribs, sauces or brisket; precious little outdoor smoking; no pitmasters; no zealotry and no soul to the barbecued meats being sold to our chain-loving populace.

Continue reading “BBQ Blues”

HACHI Is Absolutely Amazing!

Hachi, the uber-cool Japanese-fusion restaurant inside the Red Rock Hotel, is absolutely amazing. And by that I mean, when people ask me if it’s amazing….I say: “absolutely.”

But before I get into why it is so, permit me a digression.

To hear ELV speak these words in the monotonic, sometimes somnambulate baritone for which he is known, click here, or continue reading after the jump.

Continue reading “HACHI Is Absolutely Amazing!”


ELV has no idea what these people are doing. Even less what they’re doing on the walls of a steakhouse. But they sure seem to be enjoying themselves! Perhaps they’re just as ecstatic as ELV over the cheese selection here.

What this gal is doing pointing a machine gun at us outside the Men’s Room is also puzzling….

….but it sure makes us think twice before mishandling Mr. Happy.*