ELV Admits Being An As*hole (in print!)…and other highbrow culinary insights

Last week, Mad Man Mancini (aka Al Mancini) — Official Friend Of ELV and restaurant critic for Las Vegas CityLife magazine — sat down with us (accompanied by a tape recorder) by the Mandalay Bay pool to discuss the impact Top Chef (currently filming in Las Vegas), has had on the quality of restaurants and cooking in America (and whether its show will be good for Las Vegas). Short answer: Yes indeedy

Click here to read a couple of critics talk about this (and other weighty matters affecting the televised culinary world) in the erudite, learned, incisive and philosophical tones for which they are known.

VEGAS UNCORK’D – Thoughts, Reflections, and Tasty Snaps


Observation: As a kick-off event to the long Vegas Uncork’d weekend, getting chefs together to help feed the needy is one whale of an idea. Send out the call, and everyone from Cat Cora to Kerry Simon will come. Three Square expected twenty or so chefs to show up to help stuff weekend groceries for hungry children and needy adults. Almost 50 arrived and pitched in to alleviate hunger and draw attention to this shameful problem.

Continue reading “VEGAS UNCORK’D – Thoughts, Reflections, and Tasty Snaps”


With barely four hours of sleep in his creaky, ever-expanding frame, sightly hungover, and less than an hour before he re-commences eating, hobnobbing, and kibbitzing like a king with the superstars of the food world, ELV thought he’d share some thoughts on the first two days of VEGAS UNCORK’D PRESENTED BY BON APPETIT (the official and, let’s face it, slightly awkward official title for the event):

Alain Ducasse is really tall (at least for a Frenchman).

Cat Cora is really pregnant.

ELV is the world’s worst gambler.

Continue reading “Thoughts and Murmurs on VEGAS UNCORK’D PRESENTED BY BON APPETIT”