Where Oh Where Have You Gone ELV?

Hot Hostess Ashley (at Simon) is perplexed (and feeling a bit saucy)….

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… as she and  2009 Hot Hostess of the Year Brianna

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…wonder just where oh where ELV has gone for the weekend?

Why to Athens (Georgia, not West Virginia), of course, to visit Marcella Ruth Schroader Curtas (D.O.B. 8.10.24 – The Official Mother of ELV)…to celebrate his birthday with the woman who foisted him upon an unsuspecting world so many years ago.

Those of you who might miss the perceptive, pensive, pretentious, precocious, precious, pervasive, persuasive and preeminent prose, for which he is known, would do well to take a tip from Brooklyn Lee (she of certain insatiable appetites)…

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…and take a look (and a lick) out of EATING LAS VEGAS – The 50 Essential Restaurants for the next few days.

To those of you doing a double take…yes, ELV has managed to work both his Hot Hostesses and a porn star into a post that also mentions his mother.*


In the Palms Place Hotel and Casino

4381 West Flamingo Road

Las Vegas, NV 89103




* I’m Ruth Curtas and I approved this message.

4 thoughts on “Where Oh Where Have You Gone ELV?

  1. Hey John,

    It’s Ashlie and Jordan from The Beer Growler in Athens! We wanted to see how those pictures turned out, we would love be featured on your food blog! PS- Great stuff on here!

    The Beer Growler Staff

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